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Racer Y
S3 licensed
Politics politcs politcs. THe subject of dunks and fools politcs.
I don't know how it works in y'alls part of the planet, but here it flat out sucks.
I mean State politics, not national level.
See here in Texas we're having a governor's election coming up in 2014.
DO you know what the fore front of the issues are going to be in these up coming elections?
Where the politician stands on abortion.
Now being opposed to the abortion industry, I'm not in favor of it. But that shouldn't matter. It's just NOT what should be a pivotal issue in this election.
There's zillions of other issues that should be way far important than abortion as far as the state goes.
Things like Marijuana reform. Seriously looking into legalizing casino gambling, Figuring out ways to LOWER hunting and fishing license fees. All sorts of things.
Hell even fixing state highways. But nope all that's up for debate is abortion.
And why? Because it's a safe bet. Running around claiming to be pro-choice or pro-life over and over keeps them from having to explain their positions on things they probably don't really have a clue about.
And what really gets scary is how all the supporters of whatever candidate seem to just nod along, thinking the clown they support somehow is better than the other one running for the spot.
Yeah politics.................
Racer Y
S3 licensed
Quote from Billeh :Looks awsome Very clean!!

>>>> Yeah that guy Mark has more than a few bikes.
He has this ducati he wants fixed up a little.
They want me to make an emblem for it to put on the motor.
He has a Triumph bobber chopper that really looks cool. Leaky oil and all. I wonder if I can work a trade for it.

@ Omar: Don't forget your brain bucket and have fun. But BE CAREFUL.
(them damned scooters are dangerous as hell)
Racer Y
S3 licensed
Oh... here's a pic of a bike I did some graphics for. My mechanic built this bike for a dude named Mark. ... -sports-of-houston-texas/
Racer Y
S3 licensed
Quote from sinbad :Motorcycle snobs are the most boring people to talk to. Usually ponsing about in beer gardens in their full race leathers (unmarked) after their twice annual 5 mile ride out looking down their nose at anybody with anything less than a year old thousand cc sports bike. Then they make a racket as they leave, and wobble home with their knees sticking out at any opportunity, to tuck it away for another year. Ride twice a year, drive to a race meeting, bore you with bollocks about bikes all year.

Yeah, it's them damned crotch-rocket riders that do that. You'd never see a cruiser acting like that. Never.......
I remember telling a mechanic friend that on Saturdays and Sundays when all the weekend warriors were zipping around in their subdivisions with their over chromed mortgage glides and Sons of Anarchy T-shirts, my ass was on the couch watching TV. I'll have to put up with them texting in their SUVs come Monday.
Most of those types won't "bore you with bollocks about bikes all year." because all they know about bikes is what their Harley dealer told them.

These restrictions on Bike CC.s that European countries do seems sort of stupid. Personally I think Omar's little scooter is more dangerous than most other motorcycles out there. Those little wheels don't like freeway speeds or potholes all that much. I haven't seen a scooting being ridden in the rain, but I imagine it's not any fun. I think smaller CC bikes are dangerous as well.
My first streetbike, a yamaha 250 is a good example. The front brake was suicidal to use. Downshifting was also a dangerous gamble. When down shifting, if you weren't spot on and I mean SPOT ON matching the revs, the bike would try to throw you. Even when you did hit it right, it would jerk like
a saddle bronc. Stopping that bike involved dropping it to neutral and hitting the back brake only.
LOL I was doing stoppies before stoppies were cool.

Me personally? I wouldn't go out of my way to own anything less than 1000cc.s, but not so much because of macho reasoning as much as because I'm a fat ass that goes long distances. Riding daily in Texas heat, I'd probably wear a little 500 or 650 out in about a half a day. Even though I must admit straddling a 1500 feels a bit more impressive than sitting on a 350.

I dunno. In a perfect world, people looking for a bike should research and find something more suited to them and what they really want to do with it. Unfortunately in the real world, most have to settle for what they can get.
Racer Y
S3 licensed
Quote from dawesdust_12 :The thing about mods though, is then nobody will actually pay for further official levels of content... because realistically, why bother? We know that for any physics changes, everybody will get them. Content is the differentiating factor in LFS, which allowing arbitrary content kinda kills peoples desire to pay for more official content (other than simply supporting the devs).

You think so? You have a point, but I would think that once S3 was completed everyone would run out and get a license. Only the most hard core fan of what ever mod would still stay with S2. Isn't, at least in theory, S3 supposed to have stuff like rain and night and a physics change for rally cars and whatnot? I really don't know squat about modding, but isn't it still limited to what the original game can do?
Personally, unless someone comes up with the old version of the ring or a track with a loop in it, I could care less, and as far as modded cars go... Dragsters maybe? Something more geared for the drag strip.
Racer Y
S3 licensed
Quote from Racer X NZ :I prefer to think of it as the stig and his American cousin

{This whole obesity nonsense was created by skrawny skinniy skanky people to justify their anorexic lifestyle. }

How to resolve this issue ?

Education is the simple answer, avoid your GM 'foods', Macca's, KFC, and other crap. Try eating real food, exercise and trying to G.A.F. about your body will probably help a lot.

Now, getting back to my original post, I strongly advise reading the following;

So it has come to this: That the United States has to promise (to Russia!) that it will not torture a prisoner in its control -- a US citizen at that -- and so therefore that person, Edward Snowden, has no basis for claiming that he should be “treated as a refugee or granted asylum.”
Why does Holder have to make these pathetic representations to his counterpart in Russia?
Because Snowden has applied for asylum saying that he is at risk of torture or execution if returned to the US to face charges for leaking documents showing that the US government is massively violating the civil liberties and privacy of every American by monitoring every American’s electronic communications.
Snowden has made that claim in seeking asylum because he knows that another whistleblower, Pvt. Bradley Manning, was in fact tortured by the US for months, and held without trial in solitary confinement in a Marine military brig for nearly a year, part of the time naked, before being finally put on trial in a kangaroo court, where the judge (a mid-ranking officer surely thinking about the impact her verdict will have on her promotion prospects) is as much prosecutor as jurist, and where his guilt was declared in advance by the President of the United States -- the same president who has also already publicly declared Snowden guilty too.

You know. I been thinking about this. I think we've sorta missed the plot here. If the bone headed organization called the NSA has all this access, Who else does? And again, look at who works there. If they're stupid enough to have some rocket scientist like Snowden on the payroll, what other stupid things have they done and how many other incompetent employees do they have?
The really scary thing about this isn't really a "Big Brother" issue. These clowns aren't smart enough to deal with what they have. Kinda like a chimpanzee with a smartphone. No the real threat is various sorts of hackers from the private sector now honing their sights in on getting that technology.
And since our little rebel without a clue Snowden let the cat out of the bag, those guys in the private sector now know where to start.
Forget about Uncle Sam knowing every little online move you make. Nope think Employers, Marketers, Perverts and Spouses
Yeah, I think that's the REAL threat of all this.
Racer Y
S3 licensed
Quote from Racer X NZ :America, the best 'democracy' money can buy..........

People that live in glass houses shouldn't throw rocks.
Racer Y
S3 licensed
Yeah. it's a real pisser... It's easier to get N. Korea's nuclear plans than it is to get any development news about LFS.
One thing that really annoys me are the poor excuses for the cheats and mods that are out for it.
First off, there ain't very many mods and most are un impressive at most.
Second, if you must mod a car, at least be original. Mod a hybrid.
Then there's the cheats. Talk about lame. There's a cheat out there that makes your car bullet proof. No damage. What the hell kind of cheat is that for LFS? Isn't the one sellable factor about this game the damage model? If someone bought the game because of the damage, then why would they want that cheat? If they must make cheats, then make them so everyone will like them. Like cars that sling out spikes or oil or something. Now THAT'S a cheat.
Maybe the cheaters could work with the modders and make a passenger with an assault rifle.
Racer Y
S3 licensed
Quote from chanoman315 :In my country independent guys are prohibited because it's the best and easiest way of the drug lords to put someone they like or someone that works for them in the government

....... Uh.......really?
How many candidates or appointees of the PRI get a second paycheck?
No. I think that the independents are prohibited because the PAN and PRI would lose money. As much as they try to hide it, La mordida still exists there.
I'm an American. I know how this works. It's just that our parties here are a little better at covering their tracks and concealing their corruptions.
Here in the US of A, there's lots of talk about how term limits will put a stop to that. I believed in that too until I see what that does for your country.
I think that independents are prohibited in your country because it's the best and easiest way to STOP the cartels. And it'll keep the money train from rolling in on the PAN and PRI.
Here in our country independents are prohibited from getting office by money.
I heard of a guy (a Bush kid) was given 5 million dollars for a campaign warchest for a spot that didn't pay more than 75 thousand a year.
This was some minor position. Sorry can't remember what it was. some sort of commissioner?
But if the major parties throw that kind of money for a minor position, how could an independent possibly get very far? Sure, there's a couple of indy's in congress and in local governments, but they are pretty much limited to what they can do. It's the two parties and whoever pays them that runs things here.
Another way to limit the power of the cartels is to get the two parties here to stop the drug war they created. In my neighborhood, we had 5 cartel related killings in two years.
Racer Y
S3 licensed
I use Corel Draw. Or Used Corel Draw. I haven't made a skin in a while, but I prefer working with vector graphics then rasterizing the finished result.
I would like to know how to import the car in to Blender.
Last edited by Racer Y, . Reason : oops. forgot..
Racer Y
S3 licensed
I just wonder if when S3 is released (?), will we finally have flying cars in real life?
Racer Y
S3 licensed
Crash Hack??? I remember in the old days when everyone was whining about the lack of damage. Then everyone was happy when dmage was coded. Now there's a mod that gets rid of that???? Wouldn't it be nice if people would make up their minds?
Racer Y
S3 licensed
Quote from CheerioDM :I hate it already because there is no release date for pc.

There's not a release date for the X box one, unless I missed something.
I wonder if they're going to make a version for that console.
The crap microsoft is pulling with that new console sure has pissed a lot of folks off. I wonder if the outrage extends beyond consumers to the makers of the games themselves?
LOL that sure would stop microsoft's nonsense if no one made games for it.
Racer Y
S3 licensed
Quote from Fordman :Topped you Both HA HA

Racer Y
S3 licensed
Quote from Racer X NZ :While I'm quite happy to let the US devolve into a stasi state, blah blah blah

The Drug war (mentioning the drug war is on the list too ) our government created and your government blindly obeys to set a series of things in motion that pretty much will start our second civil war. When this war happens, it won't be a simple blue versus gray thing. It will be multi-factioned and full of fleeting alliances. The problem with the NSA monitoring and other crap the powers that be do is that it costs money. Lots of money. And forget about the economic polls. That money is running out. They can't afford to do what they want and they know it. You wanna try to monitor the activities of 300 plus million people on a shoe string budget? Go ahead and tell us how that works. Or would it be better to have "leaks" that imply you have that power? The CIA, NSA, DIA (oops!) and ICE are masters of dis-information. Using idiots like the cable guy in Hong Kong helps to inflate their perceived powers. And that inflated power helps keep people in line.
Anyways, if you think that when this civil war occurs that your little Island will be safe from its effects, guess again. If you were smart, you'd quit bothering with these same ol same ol conspiracy theory rants and use that energy to make the right connections and get yourself armed. I know that even paint ball guns are illegal in your nanny state. But so are narcotics. And you can get those easy enough. You have a market for firearms too. So you can sit there and keep on keeping on typing gibberish until the internet runs out and the state comes bashing in your door or you can get prepared for what's to come.
Racer Y
S3 licensed
Quote from Forbin :I don't think any bike with a 573 lb curb weight can be considered small. And I have seen them before. A friend had one in college and it wasn't small.

Let's look at the dimensions of a 2013 XL1200C versus a 2006 SV650S:

SV650S: 82.1"
XL1200C: 87.4"
Difference: 5.3"

SV650S: 28.7"
XL1200C: 33.1"
Difference: 4.4"

SV650S: 46.1"
XL1200C: 44.9"
Difference: -1.2"

Seat Height
SV650S: 31.5"
XL1200C: 27.9"
Difference: -3.6"

Ground Clearance
SV650S: 6.1"
XL1200C: 4.4"
Difference: -1.7"

SV650S: 56.3"
XL1200C: 59.9"
Difference: 3.6"

Curb/Wet Weight
SV650S: 436 lb
XL1200C: 573 lb
Difference: 137 lb

Anyway, my point was you're basically pressuring him into buying something enourmous, regardless of whether or not that's what he wants.

(sources: ... 0CSportster1200Custom.htm

Re: jetting. I think you'd be surprised how many Harleys can benefit from smaller jets. Contrary to popular opinion, I don't think stock Harleys really run that lean from the factory, or at least not as lean as a lot of people think. A friend of mine, an old Harley enthusiast (he rode a 50's K bike around the country) and machine shop owner, made his friend's Harley run waaaaayy smoother by installing smaller jets.

Re: commuting. I've been riding for 10 years, most of that in New Jersey no less. Of course I know what traffic is like. What difference does that make to my statements? I'm not trying to get into a pissing contest with you, I'm just telling you you're a douchebag and a misogynist for doing what you did.

Man. you're anal...
The bike is Small. I don't care what the displacement is or the stock stats. Compared to a 650... OK it's bigger. Compared to my 1400, it actually weighs
more. compared to a Kawasaki 900 vulcan, it's smaller. Compared to a yamaha 750 bagger, it's smaller.
>>> Man you don't ever tease fellow riders? How do you ride with a stick that far up your ass?
When I used to go on poker runs, I told them they needed a guy on a rice burner to follow them around to pick up the pieces....
I've been riding for a very long time. I learned to ride on an XR-75 in the late 70's... did the stereotypical wheelies in the high school parking lot - and got in trouble for that... I got ran off the freeway in '87 by a semi that didn't see me. I didn't get any broken bones, but did get the fear of God put in me. throughout the 90's I didn't ride very much at all. Mostly, borrowed other folks bikes. I distinctly remember a friend's ninja 650 that was seriously neglected and almost got me killed. Using the front brakes turned it into a gas powered pogo stick. the forks eventually seized on him. Now days I've been riding hard core, day in/day out rain or shine for about 7 years.

Re harleys and re-jetting...
I'm like you towards harleys. I'm no big fan... even though I like the Wide Glides I don't really know all that much about them mechanically.
My bike, when it was stock, had crappy exhausts, little bitty jets, and the adjustment screws on the carbs plugged so that it would limit you to run so freaking lean you could grill off of it after about 15 minutes. They did/do that for California emissions. When you run drag pipes with no baffles, unless you like the sound of fourth of july picnics and crappy performance, you need to re jet.
I would imagine the same would hold true for Harley's once you start messing with the pipes.
I don't want a pissing contest with you either, I'm just saying you're coming off like a self-righteous prude. Grow a sense of humor. Hell, my brother even laughed at the joke. My co-worker, who is a woman that owns a street glide laughed at the joke. Why do you gotta come off like some overly fanatical AMA member about it?
Racer Y
S3 licensed
Quote from Forbin :I wouldn't be caught dead on a Harley regardless of its size, but I wouldn't tease anyone for buying one either, regardless of who they bought it from. For all you know she's one bad-ass woman, more so than you or any of your chittering friends. And even if she isn't, who cares? Does it really make your brother any less of a "man" for riding a bike he bought from a woman? Plenty of riders get killed because they were peer-pressured into buying a bike that is too much for their skill level, and I don't care who you are, riding skill knows no gender. I've seen plenty of damn fast women at the racetrack. Skill just takes time, not a penis.

Want to be a proper friend, let alone brother? Encourage your friends to buy smaller bikes and learn how to ride them properly before moving on to bigger bikes. As it is, you and your friends were just being jerks for no good reason. I certainly wouldn't call you my friend if that was your reaction to my buying a bike.


You know what the biggest performance upgrade is for a Harley? Rider training. You know what the second biggest performance upgrade is for a Harley? Smaller jets. People just dump more fuel in there expecting it to make more power like magic. It doesn't work that way.

Lighten up. If you saw it, you'd say it was a little bike. It doesn't make it any less of a bike, damned dude. Does EVERYTHING have to be that serious with you? Next time when you eat your cereal, try not to let anybody pee in it.
Smaller jets? Really? why not let it run a little lean. Where we live it's sea level. I know running as rich as what I do doesn't do too well up in the hills, but on the shore line? I think his bike has the big bore kit. What do they call it? a screaming eagle?
LOL you really have some issues. At the track.... just outta curiousity do you even have a clue about cross town commutes on the freeway during rush hour? Ever used an 18 wheeler for shade? Played dodge ball with texters?
Don't try and use your "track experience" as a soap box for that self righteous AMA article you just had to spout off with me - OK?
I know plenty of girls that ride and ride as hard as I do.
If I want to tease my brother, I'll tease my brother. Jesus Christ dude. maybe you should loosen your chin strap some.
Speaking of racing, some people I know are racing at pikes peak. One guy didn't do too bad last year.
Racer Y
S3 licensed
My brother got his Harley.... A 1200 sportster. What a little bike. We were teasing him, calling it a girl's bike. Then we found out he bought it from a woman....
Next week I start on my project bike. Hopefully I'll have it rideable by August.
I was thinking about porting and polishing the heads, but after weighing in cost versus horsepower... nah. I'll put in bigger jets in the carbs and change the filters to something else, but I don't think porting the heads are going to be worth it.
Now I need to find a junked Nissan or toyota or something so I can re-fab the headlight (it's a skull) with those xenon bulbs
Racer Y
S3 licensed
Quote from AlienT. :It's a fair statement and one that I consider myself. How about if I was a closet protectionalist? Whatever that is... I'm not Xenophobic, I am well travelled and absolutely love people of different creeds, it is so interesting to speak between nations and cultures. It is fascinating. I am not scared of other races, I am scared of us being uncontrollably being drawn towards castastopphry as a country and social bankrupsy.

Pity we're too late anyway. I'm moving to Norway Have you a spare room TVE for an apparent fascist, right wing jumped up little Scotsman that is just about to go and have wonderful sex with his wife, who0 has just come in drunk, from lady's day at Musselburgh races.


Enjo life and keep racing ?

................ The way governments of the world are increasing their restrictions on the people should give you a clue about something. A collapse is imminent. It's going to be most notable in the Good Ol USof A and Communist China. Here in America, out gov't created a drug war. It's NOT about stopping people throwing their lives away on narcotics. It's about creating precedents to justify placing restrictions on the common man. The funny thing is, two things are happening that the powers that be either overlooked or were too arrogant to believe could happen.
The first effect is the serious drain on the economy. The government will no longer be able to support its policies. The second and maybe more dangerous of the two is Americans are being less an less concerned about government authority and continue to snub it. A government without credibility is not a government and that's where we're heading. The PRC is having similar effects from its policies. And when the collapse does finally happen in our countries the ripple effects will pretty much wipe your governments out as well.
So... So much for politics
Your best bet is to go underground, make the right connections and get a damned gun.
Racer Y
S3 licensed
Quote from ImudilaSkyline :Not really, but it sounds like a bunch of lame fantasy stuff which I'm not a fan of... Maybe I should watch an episode or two though before saying it's absolute crap

I can't stand fantasy crap either, but this show/books are a bit different. I watch it religiously.
.... At least it ain't another zombie show. Or some lame assed vampire show where they have issues with their sexual orientation.
Racer Y
S3 licensed
Quote from Takumi_lfs :Yeah, those 636's are very nice. I've been in love with that 2005-2006 since last year. The price is also reasonable and it has all the power I need. 1000cc is too much for here in Amsterdam, so a 636 is very ideal. They also sound very neat at high rpm.

I started off on a zzr600 which is my first bike, first it was all powerful and all but now, I want even more.

E: I know, zzr600 is a very ugly bike indeed

My Daughter is going on and on about getting a bike. I had her help me change the oil in my bike the other day. Didn't phase her. She still wants one.
My brother, whose never really rode much, is working on getting a sportster and bobbing it out.
I tried to tell him to get a rice burner but he won't listen.
My daughter at least has the common sense to stay away from Harleys. She's looking for a honda 750.
I'm just hoping to get started on fixing up my Suzuki. I already un plugged the carbs, re jetted them, changed the exhaust (drag pipes no baffles - LOUD)
and advanced the timing some. Sad thing is, I need to get a head gasket on the front cylinder and that's just a little past my level of expertise.
Riding on the Valkyrie spoils the crap out of me. My intruder NEVER let's you forget you're on a motorcycle. Plus, it's a big kick to see the look on the kid's face that pulls up to me on my outlaw bike wondering how the hell I'm able to out run his plastic coated crotch rocket. Almost as much of a buzz as when I go to the bar and people swarm around my bike and ignore all the Harley Mortgage glides.
Racer Y
S3 licensed
I'm getting two new tires (Metzler Marathons) in a couple a days.... Six hundred and something dollars....
Racer Y
S3 licensed
A friend was telling my wife that people freaked out so much because of this last episode they were threatening to cancel their HBO.
I'll admit that episode was a pretty big shocker, but I think it was great. I get sooooo tired of predictability.
Racer Y
S3 licensed
Quote from Shotglass :he is american + he has a character flaw => he is not perfect => americans are not perfect => his world view is shattered => EXTERMINATE!

Didn't y'all try that once before?